About Foundation » Volunteer Information

Volunteer Information

Get Involved with Old Town Academy Charter School

Building a sense of community at Old Town Academy Charter School is very important to us and what makes our school strong.

We welcome and encourage family members to become active participants in our school community and in the classroom. Volunteers are OTA’s greatest resource which is why OTA expects that each family volunteers 40 hours per year to assist us. There are many volunteer opportunities at OTA. Two of the more formal ways to volunteer are to become a member of the Board, OTA Parent Foundation, or one of their many subcommittees. All families are expected to volunteer in some way to support our two big fundraising projects – the Fall Jog-a-Thon and the Spring Gala Fundraising Event. 

We have open Volunteer positions on the Foundation Council. Please email our Foundation Council President to self nominate or show up at one of our monthly Foundation meetings to Volunteer. 

Please let us know if we have missed anything or if you have an idea to add.
These volunteer opportunites are available through out the year and are a great way to come out and see the school in action!